Leiko Ikemura

Doppelfigur mit Vogel im Arm (Double figure with bird in arms) | bronze casting | 1998
Ernst Barlach

Der Spaziergänger (1912) Der Spaziergänger (The walker) | 1913
Georg Baselitz

Pace Piece / 2003 / Bronze / Foundry Proof Pace Piece from 2003 Edition Foundry Proof
Jonathan Meese

Erzadler, Bronzeguß 2006 Erzadler | bronze cast | 2006
Wilhelm Lehmbruck

Kleine Sinnende, Bronzeguß 1911 Kleine Sinnende | bronze casting | 1911
Anna Bogouchevskaia

Wassertropfen Motiv 8, Aluminiumguss 2018 Drop motif 8 | aluminium casting | 2018
Renée Sintenis

Polospieler 1929, Bronze Polospieler (Polo player)bronze castiung | 1929
August Gaul

Stehende Löwin, Bronzeguß 1912 Stehende Löwin (Standing lion) | bronze casting | 1912
Henry Moore

Big Butterfly, Bronzeguß 1984 Big Butterfly (working model) | bronze casting | 1984 Henry Moore is considered one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century. Born in Castleford/UK in 1898, Henry Moore and Hermann Noack have enjoyed a close collaboration and friendship since the 1970s. Many sculptures were “born” at Noack, including classics […]
Tony Cragg

Lost in Thought, Bronzeguß 2006 Lost in Thought
Karl Hartung

Vierkantsäule 1, Bronzeguß 1966 Vierkantsäule (Square column)
Kenneth Armitage

Richmond Oak, Bronzeguß 1983 / 55 x 40 x 40 cm Oak Tree