We have enjoyed working successfully with Jonathan Meese since 2005. In the process, many different bronze works were created that show the unmistakable signature of the German artist.
He is one of the sculptors who modelled the sculptures - including this one entitled Dr. De Saugertz - directly in our foundry... For this, we build a wire frame according to Meese's specifications and drawings, which is provided with plenty of clay.Meese's hand transforms the clay framework into an unmistakable work of art - his work of art - with decorations, sayings and appeals, comments from pop culture.Jonathan Meese was born in Tokyo in 1970 and is regarded as the enfant terrible of the art scene. He is a successful painter, sculptor, actor and theatre director.
Critics have repeatedly criticised his art for being conspicuous and very loud. In his art, he deals with personalities from world history, myths and heroism; provocation is his constant companion, as he likes to make use of symbols from recent German history. He likes to proclaim the "Diktatur der Kunst" (dictatorship of art) or even the "Allmacht der Kunst" (omnipotence of art).
For more information: jonathanmeese.com