BildgießereiProjectsZero Dom Paris

Zero Dom Paris

A short film about the installation of the sculpture Zero Dom in Paris in October 2021.

Courtesy of Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac Paris.

Georg Baselitz / Zero Dom / Paris 2021
Georg Baselitz / Zero Dom / Paris 2021

As one of the world's most important artists, Georg Baselitz is experiencing another highlight in his artistic career this year. He is accepted as a member of the Academie des Beaux-Arts and at the same time a major retrospective is held at the Centre Pompidou. The large-scale sculpture Zero Dom will be on display for around 4 months (until 7 March 2022) in the courtyard of honour in front of the Academy.

The long-standing collaboration with the artist Georg Baselitz and the Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac led to this spectacular large-scale project for the centre of Paris directly on the Seine.

The 9 metre high black patinated sculpture shows 5 legs crossed with each other, arranged in the shape of a micadol in high-heeled boots - a recurring theme in the oeuvre of the 83-year-old Baselitz. When asked about the motif, the artist says that the leg with the boot is a kind of self-portrait.

In a statement issued by the gallery, Baselitz said that he was incredibly happy about his election to the Academie, but at the same time irritated that he, as a German artist, had been given such an honour.

Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery

Centre Pompidou

The original model in wood.

The first steps were to scan the original model and process the data for the definition and planning of all further work steps.

A 1:10 scale model was printed to define and check all positions and connections.

Moulding of the first model parts with silicone and fabrication of a wax model.

The already chiselled legs are assembled and the connecting elements are fitted.

Georg Baselitz / Zero Dom / Paris 2021
Georg Baselitz / Zero Dom / Paris 2021

Final installation of the sculpture in Paris.

The finished sculpture in front of the Académie française in Paris.